Which Diaper Brands are Hypoallergenic?

by Julie Siewert August 03, 2019

Which Diaper Brands are Hypoallergenic?

We all want to choose the best diaper for our new baby. So hypoallergenic diapers sound like they would be a better choice than non-hypoallergenic diapers. Right?!

I’ve got the information you want to know about hypoallergenic diapers. What it actually means and which diaper brands are labeled hypoallergenic.


Which Diaper Brands are Hypoallergenic?


What IS hypoallergenic?

The dictionary definition for hypoallergenic is: “having little likelihood of causing an allergic response” (Merriam-Webster)

So hypoallergenic diapers would be diapers that are less likely to cause an allergic reaction in babies. Generally speaking, diapers with fewer chemicals or additives should be less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

There doesn’t appear to be strict labeling requirements (which chemicals or additives would qualify for “hypoallergenic” labeling), so each diaper brand makes the determination if their own diapers would be “hypoallergenic”.

I’ll allow parents to make their own determination if the label “hypoallergenic” is something they want or need in a diaper.


Baby with diapers, text on board "why try just one"


Which diaper brands are hypoallergenic?

This is a list of diaper brands that advertise to be hypoallergenic. This information is gathered from the information provided by these diaper brands.

Huggies Little Snugglers

Huggies Skin Essentials

Pampers Pure Protection

Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive

Mama Bear (Amazon)

Bambo Nature

Up & Up (Target)

Parent's Choice (Walmart)

Member's Mark (Sam's Club) (contains a hypoallergenic inner liner)

Millie Moon


Please note, some of our favorite eco-friendly, low chemical diaper brands are not on this list, as they do not use the label “hypoallergenic”. It is up to you to determine the weight this label holds for you in your diaper research.


Diaper Sampler Package in a white gift box with a gift card

Sample 6 brands of eco-friendly diapers with the Mother Earth Diaper Sampler Package. Available in size 1 or size 3.


Which diaper brand(s) will you choose to try?

If your baby has sensitive skin, or you want to reduce the possibility of an allergic reaction to their diapers, hypoallergenic diapers (or diapers with reduced chemicals) would be good diapers to try.

As always, it is smart to try a few brands of diapers to make sure you have the best diaper for your baby. How they fit and function are important factors as well as what is INSIDE the diaper. You can find more information about all the diaper brands on our Diaper Brand Research & Information page as well as our Diaper Brand Spotlight Series posts.

You can create your own Custom Diaper Sampler Package with just the brands you want to try (available in sizes Newborn, 1 or 3), or you can try a Mother Earth Diaper Sampler Package (available in sizes 1 or 3) with our favorite eco-friendly diaper brands.


Happy diapering!

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