Why Can't I find Size 2 Diaper Samples?

by Julie Siewert March 13, 2017

Why Can't I find Size 2 Diaper Samples?

Where are the size 2 diapers? Seriously, I see Newborn, size 1…and size 3! Why wouldn’t Diaper Dabbler carry sample packs of size 2 diapers?

I get these questions a lot, and I’m happy to share the answer. But first, permit me some background on diaper sizing.

There is a “traditional” sizing scale in mainstream diapers, and MOST US diapers fit into roughly these sizing categories. You’ll find that some of the eco-friendly diapers, especially those made outside the US, have their own sizing structure. Here’s the “norm”:
Newborn – less than 10 lbs.
Size 1 – 8-14 lbs.
Size 2 – 12-18 lbs.
Size 3 – 16-28 lbs.

See the overlap? While a size 1 diaper (is supposed to) fit babies up to 14 pounds, the size 3 starts fitting at just 2 pounds more-at 16 pounds! Some babies never even wear a size 2 diaper. I know mine didn’t. By the time they were outgrowing size 1, they could fit into a size 3.


Baby Diaper @diaperdabbler

These diapers fit for such a short period of time (and a short period of weight), that babies move through some of these sizes quicker than others. My research found that size 2 was one of those sizes that babies were only in for a brief time, while they spend much more time in sizes 1 and 3.

Speaking of size 3, while weight range obviously has nothing to do with an age range of babies when they are in each size, many babies in size 3 diapers are just beginning their crawling or walking journeys. As many parents can attest, once those babies start moving around more, their diapers need to be perfectly fit or there are going to be messes!

Now, we know that every baby is unique, and every diaper fits ever baby in a unique way. So the sizing weights are really just guidelines. You move your baby up to the next size when it’s too tight or it’s not holding what it’s meant to hold (did you know that frequent pooplosions can be a sign it’s time to move up to the next size?).

If your baby is wearing a size 2 diaper and you still want to try a sample pack of diapers to find the perfect diaper going forward, order up to the size 3 sampler package. Chances are, they’ll already fit or will fit soon.


Our Build Your Own Custom Diaper Sampler Packages give parents a chance to try the diaper brands they want in a Custom Package. Available in Newborn, Size 1 and Size 3.


"What a great idea! Being able to try different diapers before you buy. My baby is transitioning sizes and this let me see which diapers are the next size up but still on the smaller size to fit and also which ones still use the wetness stripe. I definitely now know which are my favorites and future go to's." -Cossandra A.


What size of diaper sample packs are you looking for?

Newborn size Custom Diaper Variety Package Custom Diaper Variety Package size 1 Custom Diaper Variety Package size 3


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